Unlocking the Power of Google People API: Understanding Usage Limits and Costs
Image by Auriel - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Google People API: Understanding Usage Limits and Costs

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Are you ready to tap into the vast potential of Google People API to revolutionize your application or business? Before you dive in, it’s essential to understand the usage limits and costs associated with this powerful tool. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify the world of Google People API, providing you with a clear understanding of what to expect and how to optimize your usage.

What is Google People API?

Google People API is a powerful API that allows developers to access and manipulate contact information stored in Google Contacts. With this API, you can create innovative applications that seamlessly integrate with Google’s vast contact database, enhancing user experiences and streamlining workflows. From social media apps to CRM systems, the possibilities are endless.

Why Do Usage Limits and Costs Matter?

As with any powerful tool, there are limits to what you can do with Google People API. Understanding these limits is crucial to avoiding unexpected surprises, such as sudden spikes in costs or API request errors. By being aware of the usage limits and costs, you can:

  • Optimize your API requests for maximum efficiency
  • Plan your budget and resource allocation effectively
  • Minimize the risk of API request errors and failures
  • Scale your application or business with confidence

Google People API Usage Limits

Google People API has two primary usage limits: rate limits and quota limits.

Rate Limits

Rate limits dictate how many API requests you can make within a specific time frame. Google People API has the following rate limits:

API Method Rate Limit (requests/second)
people.get 10
people.list 10
people.create 5
people.update 5
people.delete 5

Exceeding these rate limits will result in API request errors. To avoid this, implement rate limiting in your application using tools like Google’s own google-api-java-client library.

Quota Limits

Quota limits govern the total number of API requests you can make within a specific time frame. Google People API has the following quota limits:

Quota Type Quota Limit
Daily quota 10,000 requests/day
Peak quota 100 requests/100 seconds

Exceeding these quota limits will result in API request errors and potential account suspension. To monitor your quota usage, navigate to the Google Cloud Console and select the “APIs & Services” tab.

Google People API Costs

Google People API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you’re charged for each API request made. The costs are as follows:

API Method Cost (USD/request)
people.get $0.000004
people.list $0.000004
people.create $0.000008
people.update $0.000008
people.delete $0.000008

The costs may seem negligible, but they can add up quickly if you’re not mindful of your API usage. To estimate your costs, use the Google Cloud Pricing Calculator.

Optimizing API Requests for Cost Efficiency

To minimize costs and optimize API requests, follow these best practices:

  1. Batch requests together: Combine multiple API requests into a single batch request to reduce the number of requests made.
  2. Use caching: Implement caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data, reducing the need for repeated API requests.
  3. Optimize data retrieval: Only retrieve the data you need, rather than fetching entire contact records.
  4. Implement pagination: Use pagination to limit the number of contacts retrieved per API request.
  5. Monitor and analyze usage: Regularly review your API usage to identify areas for optimization and cost reduction.
// Example of batched API request using Google's API Client Library
  "resourceNames": ["people/c1234567890", "people/c2345678901", "people/c3456789012"],
  "requestMask": "person.names"


In conclusion, understanding the usage limits and costs associated with Google People API is crucial for building scalable and cost-efficient applications. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to optimize your API requests, minimize costs, and unlock the full potential of Google People API.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use Google People API wisely, and you’ll be rewarded with unparalleled access to the vast world of Google Contacts.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “What are the usage limits & costs for the Google People API?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on the Google People API usage limits and costs!

What is the daily usage limit for the Google People API?

The Google People API has a daily usage limit of 1,000,000 requests per day. This limit applies to all requests, including reads, writes, and deletes.

Are there any costs associated with using the Google People API?

Yes, the Google People API charges based on the number of requests made. The first 1,000,000 requests per day are free, and subsequent requests are charged at $0.005 per request. There are also charges for storage and data retrieval.

What happens if I exceed the daily usage limit?

If you exceed the daily usage limit, you will receive a 429 error response from the API, indicating that you have reached the limit. You can request a quota increase or wait until the next day to resume making requests.

How do I track my usage and costs for the Google People API?

You can track your usage and costs for the Google People API through the Google Cloud Console. You can view your request and storage usage, as well as estimate your costs, in the console.

Are there any discounts available for large-scale users of the Google People API?

Yes, Google offers discounts for large-scale users of the Google People API through its pricing tiers. The more requests you make, the lower the cost per request. You can contact Google Cloud sales to discuss custom pricing for your organization.

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